
Next TUSC All-Britain Steering Committee meeting

Wednesday 29th January

This meeting will consider applications from prospective candidates in the May 2025 elections to use one of the descriptions available from TUSC on their local ballot paper. 

The application form for candidates to use the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition name and emblem on the ballot paper or any of the other eight descriptions TUSC has registered with the Electoral Commission – including for the first time the newly registered description, ‘Independent Trade Union and Socialist Candidate’ – is available at (if you are having difficulty opening this link, try copying it into your browser).

Further meetings discussing candidates will be held in February and March but to be placed on the agenda for January’s meeting application forms must be received by the TUSC National Election Agent – Clive Heemskerk, at [email protected] – by Saturday 25th January.

TUSC conference 2025

Fighting for a new party under the Starmer government. And what role for TUSC?

Sunday 2nd February, 11am to 1-30pm on Zoom

The conference, open to all TUSC supporters to attend, will discuss the prospects for a new mass party of the working class to develop under the conditions of a Starmer New Labour Mark II government, and what role TUSC could play in bringing it about. 

That includes plans for the next big set of elections, in May 2025, with the conference debating what the minimum core policy commitments will be required to allow prospective candidates in these elections to use one of the TUSC names and emblems on the ballot paper. 

The draft of this year’s platform – the ‘six guarantees’ – can be viewed at Amendments, additions or comments on them are welcome for circulation prior to the conference, including from individuals and organisations not yet participating in TUSC. They should be sent to the TUSC National Election Agent, Clive Heemskerk, at [email protected], to be received by Monday 27th January.

There is no pre-registration for the conference, with the Zoom entry details and conference agenda to be published here after January 27th.



TUSC will oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions. Reject increases in council tax, rent and service charges to compensate for government cuts. Vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services.

Support TUSC or find out more

TUSC has had hundreds of declarations of support. You can support TUSC as an individual trade unionist or socialist, or apply for your organisation to join TUSC.


TUSC has no big business sponsorship. TUSC is a coalition for the millions not millionaires. Every donation to TUSC strengthens our fight for a better future.